Otázka č. 1: Typical symptom of simple schizophrenia is
a) autism
b) hallucination
c) delusions of persecution
d) agitation
Otázka č. 2: IQ at mental retardation is under
a) 30
b) 60
c) 69
d) 70
e) all listed above is valid
Otázka č. 3: Lithium carbonicum is therapeutically most effective in
a) schizoid personality disorder
b) catatonic excitement
c) dementia
d) acute mania and prophylaxis of bipolar affective disorder
Otázka č. 4: Basic symptom of delirium is disorder of
a) thinking
b) perception
c) personality
d) consciousness
e) emotivity
Otázka č. 5: Sexual behaviour in men is stimulated mainly by central neurotransmitter system
a) dopaminergic
b) serotoninergic
c) opioidergic
d) gabaergic
e) all listed above is valid
Otázka č. 6: Treatment by descending Methadone doses is used during weaning from
a) benzodiazepines
b) opioids
c) psychostimulants
d) hallucinogens
Otázka č. 7: Illusions are most frequently observed at
a) autistic thinking
b) delirium
c) dissociative disorders
d) nothing listed above is valid
e) all listed above is valid
Otázka č. 8: It falls into quantitative changes of consciousness
a) delirium
b) sopor
c) obnubilation
d) patic intoxication
Otázka č. 9: Benzodiazepine receptor is part of
a) inhibitory GABA receptor
b) excitatory GABA receptor
c) inhibitory dopamine receptors
d) nothing listed above is valid
Otázka č. 10: Therapeutic and prophylactic level of lithium is kept between
a) 0.2–0.4 mmol/l
b) 0.4–1.2 mmol/l
c) 1–3 mmol/l
d) lithium plasma levels are not clinically relevant
Otázka č. 11: It belongs to nootropics
a) mescaline
b) fluoxetine
c) piracetam
d) nothing listed above is valid
Otázka č. 12: Hallucinations are disorders of
a) thinking
b) perception
c) memory
d) all listed above is valid
e) nothing listed above is valid
Otázka č. 13: Confusional thinking occurs during
a) mental retardation
b) dementia
c) delirium
d) affective disorders
Otázka č. 14: Does not belong to manifestation of manic syndrome
a) elevation of mood
b) disorders of consciousness
c) overactivity
d) aggressivity
e) insomnia
Otázka č. 15: Placebo effect is
a) effect of very low doses of drugs
b) nonspecific psychological effect of drugs
c) effect of toxic doses of drugs
d) all listed above is valid
e) nothing listed above is valid
Otázka č. 16: It belong among atypical antipsychotics (type MARTA = Multi-Acting-Receptor-Targeted-Antipsychotics)
a) imipramine
b) tiapride
c) olanzapine
d) haloperidol
Otázka č. 17: Methadone and buprenorphine are used in the treatment of
a) depression
b) schizophrenia
c) anxiety disorders
d) dependence on opioids
Otázka č. 18: The main mark of hyperkinetic disorders is
a) hyperactivity
b) inattention
c) impulsivity
d) all listed above is valid
Otázka č. 19: Fear from closed space is called
a) claustrophobia
b) agoraphobia
c) hypsophobia
d) nosophobia
e) aichmophobia
Otázka č. 20: Dementia is
a) acquired disorder of intellect
b) originated from organic disorder of CNS
c) disorder leading to change of personality
d) remediable in some subjects
e) all listed above is valid