1. lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy Univerzita Karlova
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Practical course CRYO IMAGING of Biological samples organized by the IMCF at BIOCEV

We would like to invite you to the practical course CRYO‑IMAGING of Biological samples organized by the IMCF at BIOCEV on April 7-9, 2025.

This 3-day course focuses on basic workflows of Electron microscopy and Fluorescence microscopy of biological samples at cryogenic conditions.

The lectures covering principles of cryo-preparation and cryo-imaging will be followed by hands-on sessions offering participants practical experience with Plunge Freezing, High Pressure Freezing, cryo-FM and cryo-TEM. The course is particularly suitable for beginners with little or no experience in the field. For detailed information (including program and registration), please visit the website: https://imcf.natur.cuni.cz/CRYO/index.html

The registration is now open, with a deadline on February 28 so take the challenge and sign up!



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